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Security Risk Assessment Report

Posted on:December 6, 2023 at 08:53 AM

In the context of the Google Cybersecurity Professional course curriculum, I encountered a scenario involving a social media organization that recently suffered a significant data breach due to undetected vulnerabilities. To address this breach, I identified several common network hardening tools that could be implemented to enhance the overall security of the organization. Subsequently, I selected a specific vulnerability within the company and proposed various network hardening methods. Finally, I elucidated how the chosen methods and tools would effectively manage the vulnerability and prevent potential breaches in the future.

Security risk assessment report

Part 1: Three hardening tools and methods to implement
“Envisaging robust measures to fortify the organization’s security posture, three potent tools emerge as key elements to address identified vulnerabilities:
  1. Instating Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)
  2. Formulating and rigorously enforcing robust password policies
  3. Conducting routine firewall maintenance
Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) necessitates users to authenticate their credentials through multiple verification methods before gaining access to an application. Diverse MFA methods, ranging from fingerprint scans and ID cards to pin numbers and passwords, can be implemented to enhance the authentication process.

Refinement of password policies becomes imperative, incorporating rules governing password length, acceptable character sets, and disclaimers discouraging password sharing. Additionally, policies can encompass regulations on unsuccessful login attempts, triggering consequences such as network access denial after a specified number of failed tries.

The proactive upkeep of firewalls involves regular scrutiny and updates to security configurations, serving as a preemptive strategy to stay ahead of potential threats. This meticulous firewall maintenance ensures that the organization’s defense mechanisms remain resilient and adaptive in the face of evolving cybersecurity challenges.
Part 2: Recommendations
Implementing multi-factor authentication (MFA) serves as a formidable defense, significantly diminishing the likelihood of unauthorized network access via brute force or similar attacks. Beyond thwarting external threats, MFA enhances internal security by rendering it more challenging for individuals within the organization to engage in password sharing practices. This becomes particularly crucial for personnel with elevated privileges, such as administrators, necessitating the consistent enforcement of MFA protocols.

The formulation and enforcement of a robust password policy add an additional layer of complexity for malicious actors attempting to breach the network. Regularly reinforcing the stipulated rules within the organization contributes to heightened user security and makes unauthorized access a more formidable challenge.

Regular firewall maintenance stands as a proactive shield against potential security breaches. Updating firewall rules in response to security events, especially those indicative of suspicious network traffic, fortifies the defense against a spectrum of attacks, including DoS and DDoS threats. This strategic measure plays a pivotal role in maintaining the integrity and resilience of the organization’s cybersecurity infrastructure.